
Jesus gives us many parables for practical living.  We will get out of something what we put into.  The question is: Are we giving our time over to things that…

Are you available to God?  Are you pursuing Him?  Does your lack of pursuing God say you don't want Him? Lets dive into His Word together.
Have you made yourself unavailable to God?  Are you running/hiding from Him? If you want His blessing and working in your life you must be available to Him.  Check out…
Vision Sunday!  Are you available to God?Are you letting Him work in your life? Or do things have to be your way?
Refreshment in the Presence of God
Christmas is ALL about JESUS!
Come discover the great faith these familiar people are in The Faces of Christmas. Mary
People are always going to criticize and Satan will hinder. Just let the critics talk and keep moving forward with Christ!
Are you looking for that thing that fulfills your life?  Do you have hurts and pains?  Are you continually sinning in your life?  BRING ME TO JESUS!